Floor Maintenance
For All Surface Coated Floors, Except Wax-Based Finishes
We at Vision Flooring want to take this time to thank you for your business and for choosing us for your flooring needs. We hope that you will enjoy your floors for many years to come and that you will tell your friends and family about your great experience with our company. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us by email at alexbabko@yahoo.com or by phone 425-218-4234.
Vision Flooring recommends the following procedures for your new or newly refinished floor with Swedish Finish or water-based finish.
Use your floors with care for the first 2 to 3 weeks after the application of finish. You can walk on the floor the day after we are done, but we recommend that no furniture be put on your floors for 3 full days. Area rugs should not be placed on the floors for 1 week after the application of water-based finish, or 3 weeks after Swedish Finish. It is essential to allow air circulation around your floor. Any additional airflow provided will help the floors cure faster.
Before you move your furniture back, we recommend that you put felt glides or pads under the legs of your furniture. They will prevent scratches as you move things like chairs or tables on your floors. When you move a furniture piece, make sure to lift rather than drag it across the floor. We can help you move some of the heavier furniture for an additional cost. For that, we use a combination of floor dollies and a revolutionary floor air glider.
Routine Maintenance.
Swedish Finish floors should never be waxed, nor should you use any oil soap on them. While oil soaps are good products for some wood, the oil and/or wax in them will not allow another coat of finish to adhere to the floor and will necessitate a full refinish down the road, rather than a simple and less expensive re-coat. Some wax and/or oil-based cleaners can leave a film-like coating on your floors that will attract dust and dirt. We recommend Bona or Woodwise hardwood floors cleaners.
Here are several steps and tips to help preserve your hardwood floors and save you time and money in the future.
Vacuum or Micro Fiber Dust Mop Your Floors Weekly
Grit and dirt act just like sandpaper when you walk on it, creating micro scratches as well as visible ones, which degrade the protective capabilities of your finish.
No Wet Mops
We do not recommend that you wet mop your floors; water will always find a way to get down to the wood and cause damage. You can use a product such as the "Swiffer Wetjet" or the "Bona Floor Care Mop" but make sure they put down a small amount of water and/or cleaning solution while quickly removing any excess moisture.
Clean Up Spills When They Occur
Clean up any spills quickly, even food. Animal products such as meat, eggs, milk, etc. can create an environment for bacteria which can begin to eat away at the finish on your floors.
Pet Stain Removal
Quickly clean up any pet urine. Pet urine contains uric acid that has the ability to ruin hardwood floors if not removed correctly. Not only can it etch into the finish on your floor, but it will just as quickly stain the wood underneath the finish. In most cases, this can leave dark black stains that can go so deep that they require full board replacement to completely remove the stain from your floor.
Use Entryway Mats
Place doormats with watertight backing in all entryways. Better to let water discolor the doormat than your beautiful wood floors.
Re-coat Your Floors Every Few Years
Get your floor re-coated every 5 to 7 years. Having your floors re-coated will cost much less than having to get them completely sanded. We use a fine screen to buff your floor from any small scratches and dirt, then vacuum the floor and apply one coat of finish. This makes the floors look brand new again. We will gladly give you a quote for re-coating your floors when the time comes. This type of work can be done while you are away on vacation or a trip, and you can return home to brand new floors for a fraction of the cost.